Friday, July 5, 2013

Below My Feet

Well, I'm back. Another 8+ hour plane ride later, I find myself back at Heathrow. It's 9:00 AM here, which means I'll be sitting at this lone coffee stand outside arrivals for another 3 hours until my group meets up at noon. Seems like an opportune time to write, don't you agree?

Before I continue, I'd like to voice my praise for British Airways, the airline I've been using the past couple of weeks. The food and entertainment services have been excellent, and when we were in a pickle last week trying to get home, they were extremely helpful and understanding. Every attendant has been nothing but friendly and considerate, even humorous. (One male attendant said to his female counterpart, “If we were married, would you listen to me even less?” as he was trying to get her attention, causing everyone in the immediate area to chuckle.) This is a travel blog, and I feel the need to highly-recommend the airline I've been so pleased with the past 3 times I've flown.

As I sit here waiting, I can't help but feel a nauseating mix of excitement and anxiety. I think I adapt quite easily, but this is pretty darn scary. Not only am I in a foreign country, but I don't know a single person here. Now, this is England, so thank goodness I don't have to worry about a language barrier. And it is just four weeks (I applaud those who go abroad for a semester or more). Aside from the fact that I didn't go with a Texas A&M group, I've got it fairly easy compared to others who study abroad. But still, this is new to me, and I can't help but be frightened.

Despite my fears, I am beyond excited for what's to come. This has been a very trying week (see previous post), so I know how lucky I am to be here. I'm so grateful for this experience; I owe a wealth of gratitude to my parents and grandparents for not only making this study happen but also for giving me the desire to go. I come from a long line of passionate travelers, and I'm so blessed to constantly be inspired to step outside my comfort zone and see the world. I will miss my family terribly, yet I know how happy they are for me to get to do something as amazing as this.

Bring on the adventures to come and the stories I'll have to tell.


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9

PS- Shout-out to my best friend, Julie, for making her annual Summer Mix-CD for myself and our two other best friends, Haylie and Ashley – you got me hooked on the Mumford and Sons song that is the title of this blog. If you're not a fan of this band, shame on you. Listen to the lyrics, and you'll know why it's been the anthem of my summer.

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